DEMO design emotion Rimini needed to provide 24/7 smart hospitality for a newly developed hotel: “... where there is no need for keys or reception, but you will receive an entry code through a simple self check-in procedure...”
Aitech therefore provided an eWelcome24 totem, customized with satin steel and black glass finishes, integrated with 5stelle* PMS and the access control of STS Hotel in order to ensure a self check-in service, enabled to manage debit and credit card payments including contactless
Video DEMO link1) Self Check-in BOOKED. reservation codes check and verification of reservation data in real time between eWelcome24 and PMS 5stars*. 2) Self Check-in NOT BOOKED. Real-time availability control. 2a) Enable Scanning, Signing and Paying the balance 2b) Real-time data exchange between eWelcome24 and STS Hotel displays the CODE of the door opener. |
Thank you to all the companies that contributed to the success of the project and put their trust in us!
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LINK PDF version of the article.
Partners strategic technicians: PMS 5Stelle* – STS HOTEL
L’Hotel DEMO di Rimini è un concept alberghiero di nuova generazione, risultato dell’attenta riqualificazione di una struttura alberghiera obsoleta, che oggi rivive e si apre a una stagione di rinnovata ospitalità. Artefice e partner del progetto è la società di consulenza e formazione TEAMWORK Hospitality, sotto la guida del Presidente Mauro Santinato. Il progetto ha inteso coniugare Design ed Emozione, attraverso il coinvolgimento di 14 studi di architettura e di 100 aziende fornitrici, per la realizzazione di 9 suites e di aree comuni e spazi originali per il relax e il coworking, in linea con nuove esigenze e aspettative di una clientela che oggi a una struttura alberghiera chiede di poter coniugare qualità dell’accoglienza, lavoro e benessere.
DEMO Hotel in Rimini is a new generation hotel concept, the result of a careful redevelopment of an old hotel, which is now reviving and opening up to a season of renewed hospitality. Maker and partner of the project is the consulting and training company TEAMWORK Hospitality under the guidance of President Mauro Santinato. The project aimed to combine Design and Emotion through the involvement of 14 architectural studios and 100 supplying companies for the construction of 9 suites plus common areas and original spaces for relaxation and coworking, in line with new needs and expectations of a clientele that today asks a hotel to be able to combine quality of hospitality, working and well-being.